
Aragami 2

we’re so excited to announce that Aragami 2 has arrived on all the consoles.  we’re also excited to shed some details on how Aragami 2’s three-player co-op evolves the ninja clan experience, along with some development insights.

Since Aragami 2 is a stealth game, is to create a combat system with supernatural ninja skills, which also encourages stealth over brute force. The best way to achieve this was to give the characters agile and skillful movement, which empowers subterfuge and stealth assault instead of a lot of strength. It also strengthens the exciting feeling of overcoming overwhelming odds.

based the combat on fast character movement, explosive dodges, and lightning-fast combo attacks. At the same time, it discouraged blocking, since we want to keep action fast-paced and convey that our character uses his agility and reflexes over strength. Instead, the game also favoured parries, the chance to play as a three-ninja squad opens up a wide arrangement of possibilities and versatility. You can have one player acting as a scout from an elevated spot marking nearby enemies, another taking down them from the ground, and the other stealing an item you need to complete the mission.

As a solo player, you can only unlock half of the ability tree when arriving to the maximum level, encouraging you to find partners that complement your playstyle with other roles. For instance, if you’re a stealthier player, you’d need another one that helps fight when battles erupt, and another that supports the team with recovery or combat items.

The chance to play as a three-ninja squad opens up a wide arrangement of possibilities and versatility. You can have one player acting as a scout from an elevated spot marking nearby enemies, another taking down them from the ground, and the other stealing an item you need to complete the mission.

We can’t wait to have you embark on this supernatural journey with your friends. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed playing it.




Single [Player] to three [Multi Players]









Visual Concepts



English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish.



Release date

Game file size

Nintendo Switch

not released

not released

Playstation 5

4 October 2021


Xbox Series X | S

4 October 2021

9.2 GB

Playstation 4

4 October 2021

10.9  GB

Xbox One

4 October 2021

9.2 GB

PC [Windows]

4 October 2021



PC System Requirements:




64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10



AMD Ryzen 7 1700/Intel i7-6700K or Equivalent



16 GB

Graphics card


AMD RX Vega 56, Nvidia GTX 1070/GTX1660Ti or Equivalent



11 GB available space


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